Bedwetter Pants


Our washable Bedwetter Pants are a pull-up style super absorbent pant for older children that need night time protection!

The absorbent inner is made from our natural unbleached cotton terry and the outer is made from our polyester PUL cover fabric.


  • 21 oz / 625 ml absorbency - no boosters needed!
  • Natural cotton inner
  • Waterproof PUL outer
  • Easy pull up & down
  • Fully washable!



See Washing below for detailed instructions.


We recommend purchasing the Bedwetter Pants using the weight range below. We also have a measurements tab for a general sizing guide. If you are unsure which size to purchase, please send us an email with age and weight.

XSmall - 30 to 40 lbs
Small - 40 to 55 lbs
Medium - 55 to 65 lbs


Do you have a Larger size, 65+ lbs? - Not at this time


Wash and Care Instructions

Initial Wash - Upon receiving your package, wash the pant once before use using hot water and detergent. Ensure the pant is fully dried before use.

Each Morning:

1) Turn used pant inside out and rinse the concentrated urine. Wring out excess water.

2) Store your rinsed Bedwetter Pant inside your diaper pail or breathable storage container.

Note - Avoid storing the Bedwetter Pants unwashed for more than 2 days to prevent odors from developing.


3) Wash the Bedwetter Pants inside out, exposing the inner cotton (drying too)

4) Run a pre-rinse or short cycle with warm water and ½ oz laundry detergent.

5) Wash the Bedwetter Pants in a full wash cycle with hot water (140°F / 60°C) and the detergent manufacturers recommended amount of laundry detergent per your wash load size.

6) Drying - Machine dry on medium heat setting until the pant is completely dry.


Approximate Measurements: 

If you are unsure which size to purchase, please send us an email with the age and weight and we will get back to you right away.


Size Weight
XSmall 30 - 40 15 - 21 10 - 13
Small 40 - 55 16 - 23 12 - 16
Medium 55 - 65 19 - 26 13 - 17