Transitioning from Disposables to Cloth Diapers
Transitioning from Disposables to Cloth Diapers
Testimonial Tuesday!
Thank you for stopping the Blowouts!
Where to start.
Going into diapering as first-time parents, my husband and I were a bit apprehensive about full-time cloth diapering. At first, we decided to do a hybrid system of disposables while out and cloth while home. We were finding that our wee one was such a heavy wetter, and powerful pooper that no matter what brand of disposable, and countless brands of cloth diapers just couldn’t keep her leak free. I think our send off into finding a leak free system was while in Costco, at the checkout and she had a huge blowout that ended up EVERYWHERE. My husband and I both agreed we needed to figure out a better system.
Enter Mother-ease.
These diapers are honestly amazing. We have tried over 8 different cloth diaper brands as well as had family make different styles and NOTHING compares. Between the elastics and the snaps, and the range in fabric choice, no matter how powerful a poop may be, absolutely no blowouts! When our baby girl was about 10 weeks old we switched to full-time cloth diapering. In general, I found fitted diapers are my go to but we do use a few different styles, so I will review them individually.
My favourites are the Sandy’s; these diapers have been my mother’s recommendation for 20 years. They are by far mine and my husbands #1 recommendation for overnight!
Sandy trims are nice for long car rides and nighttime because they have a stay dry liner which makes her not feel like she’s been sleeping in a wet diaper. I find that these are the best for night time to prevent diaper rash from occurring, as we don’t change her diaper at night ever, the stay dry material is not as soft in my opinion but I believe it certainly feels nicer/dryer to sleep in than the bamboo or organic cotton.
Sandy bamboo are probably my favourite diaper for the day time/naps/ quick errands. I am a big fan of how soft and absorbent this material is, which is probably what makes me love it just a bit more than the trims. I know it can be a bit bulkier which may be a downside for some parents, but she already comes from a family of big bums so she fits right in! Both the trims and the regular Sandy’s have an amazing elastic at the legs and top/back of the diaper, making it impossible for a blow out to occur to date!
Sandy’s coloured are just as good as the bamboos for absorbency, however they aren’t as soft. They do indeed dry way faster than the bamboo diapers, which is nice if you should’ve done diapers a couple hours before you actually got to washing and hanging them to dry!
One size fitted diapers are super absorbent! The elastic around the legs and at the top of the diaper are secure but I just don’t feel as confident about them as the sandy. That being said, they have never failed us. No leaks nor blowouts, even at nighttime. I’ve used the bamboo fabric diaper, plus two bamboo inserts at night for her successfully. I’m sure I could go only using one insert but I’d rather be safe than sorry! I really like that this one size diaper truly fit my baby when she was only 8lbs.(And my sister currently has her own one size fitted on her 28 lb toddler!) However! We have a baby who has been in the 10-15% for weight and the 91% for height, meaning my tall and skinny baby had almost no rolls on her legs until she was about 5 months old. Until she reached 8 lbs we did not use the one size fitted but the economical fitted. Which was presented to me as the “one size fitted diaper style, for only the small size”. I found these were one of the diapers that lead me to seeing the benefits of cloth over disposable. I really loved these diapers and loved that they were priced accordingly to the fact you could only use them for a short period of time.
The colour one size fitted are in the same category as the sandy coloured diapers in the sense that they absorb as much as the other one size fitted’s, aren’t as soft, but dry much faster on laundry day.
Wizard duos - My husband loves the wizard duos, he finds them the most convenient and still absorbent. I personally find them a bit of a pain to prep, but I tell myself that them being prepared is why daddy and grandma think they are so easy! We use the bamboo and the stay dry liners, both of them work well. I don’t like to take our baby out in the wizards, I feel she’s just too powerful’a’pooper, but if we are going to be at a house (instead of out running errands) using the wizards are a doable option, just not My first. I will say that I recommend the perfect size covers and not the one size covers. The inserts I recommend the one size, but not the covers. We found (going back to my tall and skinny baby) that the legs in the one size covers didn’t cover right to her skin until she was closer to 13lbs. But the small covers fit her right at 10 lbs, which is when we introduced the wizards. The only reason I say use the one size inserts over the small/large is that it’s one purchase, as for use and absorbency I haven’t found any difference!
Above having great products to choose from their store is filled with friendly staff who offer genuine help for you while figuring out what works best for you and your family.
All in all, Mother-ease has proven itself over and over again in our house, and we are forever proud supporters of Mother-ease’s cloth diapering system!
Thank you Mother-ease for stopping the blowouts! We are forever grateful!!
One Proud Cloth Diapering Momma,