Night Time Cloth Diapering with Mother-ease
Night Time Cloth Diapering with Mother-ease
Night Time Cloth Diapering - Made Easy!
It's surprising how many parents use cloth diapers during the day, but resort to disposables at night. All the cloth diapering benefits (cost savings, health benefits, environmental impact, etc.) are true to night time diapering as well, you just need a brand that you can trust, day or night, to remain leak-free!
With our custom knit fabrics for superior absorbency and waterproof covers, you can rely on Mother-ease for simplistic and effective night time cloth diapering. From now on, you can sleep well knowing that you're saving money, decreasing the amount of waste in landfills and keeping harmful chemicals away from your baby's skin all while waking up to dry sheets and PJs! Now tell me, cloth diapering mamas, does that not sound like a dream come true?
Mother-ease offers three different night time options to cover your babies and your big kids!
For babies and toddlers, we offer both a one-step and a two-step night time cloth diapering solution.
First, we have our Wizard Duo Night Time cloth diaper. Ranging from 10 to 45 lbs, this AI2 diaper is available with a Night Time Insert absorbing an impressive 17 oz (500 ml)! No boosters required in this thirsty one-step diaper! Even the heaviest of wetters can get 12+ hours of leak-free absorbency! And the best part? The Wizard Duo uses our hypoallergenic Stay Dry fabric which wicks all the moisture into the core of the diaper, keeping your baby feeling comfortable and dry all night long! This fabric promotes healthy skin, reduces the chance of diaper rash and allows them to sleep through the night without changing! This night-time diaper is easy to use, it's a breeze to switch over from disposables. Even daycare workers and grandma can use it with ease!
Don't just take my word for it, check out what moms are saying:
"We were ready to quit cloth until we got a few duo overnights. Our super wetters use them all day long. We sold everything else to fund more overnight duos. They are the bomb!" - Kimberly
"I'm happy to say I exclusively use Mother-ease diapers! I first heard about your diapers when I was pregnant with my first. I got a few different styles for a baby shower gift and I kind of got pulled into the direction of pocket diapers. Once I got into the swing of things I decided I was frustrated with pockets because they leaked all the time. So I tried Mother-ease again and I was like why am I not using these all the time!? So by the time my oldest was 12 months we fully made the switch to Mother-ease. They just makes sense. I have tested your night time diaper and it's amazing. I was putting my son in disposables at night to avoid leaks but not anymore!" - Bailey
"This diaper was completely soaked, but I didn't notice any leaks or wicking. Even though the diaper was completely soaked, the inserts don't bunch and Little Miss didn't seem to be uncomfortable. The stay dry layer on top was quick to wick the wetness away and didn't leave her feeling like she was sitting in the pool of pee." - Nancy
Learn more about our Wizard Duo AI2 diapering system.
Next, we have our Sandy's Fitted Diaper with our Air Flow Cover. This sized fitted diapering system ranges from 6 to 45 lbs and absorbs up to 15 oz (400 ml) with the option to add in a Sandy's Absorbent Liner if you need extra absorbency. Our Sandy's diaper is our most famous fitted diaper, and is time-tested with rave reviews dating back to the 90's! This fitted diapering system is available in your choice of unbleached cotton, bamboo or 100% organic cotton. Our Sandy's diaper is the most absorbent, longest lasting fitted diaper on the market and paired with our Air Flow cover, makes a perfect leak-free fitted diapering system!
Check out what moms have to say about our Sandy's:
"These are workhorse diapers. Amazingly durable and contain ALL the mess! We bought a bunch of these used to start our cloth diapering journey two years ago and you can barely tell their age!" - Kelsey
"My 18-month-old can sleep between 10 to 12 hours and not one single leak. I also bought the cover and absorbent liner because she is a very heavy wetter. Yes the diaper is very wet in the morning, but she does not complain about it. It holds everything in. I really wished I knew about these diapers a while ago. They're amazing." - Aurore
"Our Sandy's and Air Flow covers are perfect for night time. So absorbent and never leak! It's great to see that Mother ase has packaged these together to mae it easier for frustrated parents!" - Sandy
Learn more about our Sandy's fitted diaper and Air Flow cover.
At Mother-ease, we understand that on average children aren't fully night time toilet trained until 5 to 7 years of age, so we offer a night time solution for big kids as well!
Our Bedwetter Pants come in three sizes fitting from 30 to 65 lbs and absorb an incredible 21 oz (625 ml). This pull-up style super absorbent pant is made with a cotton inner so your child will feel the wetness, encouraging them to train. The outer is made from our PUL cover fabric, to provide a leak-free solution. Using disposable pull-ups from 2.5 to 7 years of age will cost over $500 and contributes over 1600 diapers to landfills!
Take it from some other parents who've been there:
There you have it! Why resort to the chemicals and waste at night, if you've been determined to eliminate them during the day? Choose Mother-ease night time solutions and wake up to happy bums and dry sheets!"We have been looking for a night time cloth diaper for my 4-year-old daughter for almost a year now. She has reached the point where she can pee volumes at night and every diaper we tried ended up leaking.....I found these Mother-ease bedwetter pants and listen, THEY REALLY DO WORK. No leaks. At all. Her pajamas are dry in the morning. Her sheets are dry. Hightly recommend these!!!" - Becky
"Easy to use and works like a charm!! They are a little bulky but worth it since my son wakes up with dry sheets and dry pajamas when he wears the Bedwetter Pants. Would highly recommend!!" - Christa Ray
"I recently bought two of the Bedwetter Pants and I have been really happy with them! Not a single leak or wet bed since we started using them. Which is better than I could say about disposable pull-ups, it seemed they leaked every other night! I only wish I had got 3 because doing laundry every second day is a lot." - Chloe