Potty Learning: How to Tell if the Time is Right
Potty Learning
How to Tell if the Time is Right

As your baby becomes a toddler, you are probably thinking the same thing with every diaper change: "When will it be time to potty train?" It's a little sad, acknowledging that your baby is growing up, but just think of the freedom you will have when your little one is out of diapers! But how do you know if it's time to start potty training? There are a few things to think about and look for to know if your child is ready.
Predictable bathroom times
Some children are more predictable than others, but you will likely be able to find a pattern when it comes to dirty diapers. Keep track of when your child goes and when you need to change their diaper. When you can tell that it's just about time for your toddler to go, try going into the bathroom and putting them on their potty chair (or the toilet, if you prefer). This will get your child used to a new routine for potty time.
Showing interest
Toddlers are curious, there's no denying it. When your child starts becoming interested in the bathroom, whether it is watching you spray and clean a dirty diaper or wondering what goes on in there when grown-ups or older siblings go in there, consider that your cue.
Hates being wet or dirty
As your baby turns into a toddler, they will become aware of how uncomfortable it is to be in a dirty diaper. You will likely start being told right after they go. It isn't just a convenient reminder that it's time to change your child's diaper, it is an indicator that maybe your toddler is ready for big kid pants!
Becoming more independent
This can be a heartbreaker for mom and dad, knowing that their baby is growing up. But if you are seeing that your child wants to do everything on their own, there is great motivation to start using the potty. And, if they can pull their pants up and down themselves, even better! Invest in cloth training pants that pull on like big kid underpants and make the process even easier. Read about the benefits of cloth training pants here.
Do any of these indicators sound like your child? Is it time to make the transition?
Or are you in the midst of potty training now? How did you know the time was right? What tips do you have for other parents preparing for potty learning?