Tackling the biggest complaints about cloth diapers
Tackling the biggest complaints about cloth diapers
We've heard them all...
Whether you are expecting a child and are still weighing your options, or you have fallen off the cloth wagon and want to climb back on, we know you have a lot to consider. And, with there being so much cloth diapering information out there to help or discourage your decision, it can be very overwhelming.
We have looked up the biggest complaints about cloth diapers and are ready to help you tackle them all so that you can make an easy, informed decision.
Complaint: cloth diapers are time-consuming
They really don't add that much extra time. If you're worried about assembling the diapers, you can prep the diapers as you fold your laundry; whether that means folding your flats or pre-folds, or snapping in your liners.
With a new baby, the amount of laundry you do is going to increase whether you use cloth diapers or not. With that in mind, throwing in a load of cloth diapers isn't really that much added work. And remember, the washing machine does most of the work for you. You are looking at an extra 3-4 loads of laundry a week, but if you get going from the start it will become another part of your routine.
The use of disposables isn't without work either, they need to be purchased, stored when soiled and brought to the curb for garbage pick-up.
Complaint: dirty diapers...yuck
Sorry to break this to you, but babies are pretty messy little beings.
If you don't like the idea of changing a dirty bum, using disposables over cloth doesn't really change much. In fact, cloth diapers will keep the process cleaner by containing all the mess - whether it's runny, squishy or solid. When you hear about epic baby blowouts the baby is usually in a disposable diaper. We're talking poop all the way up your cutie's back or down the leg of your child. Talk about 'ick factor'.
When your baby moves on to solids, or if you formula feed, you will have to remove the solids before storing and washing your diapers. Our flushable bamboo liners make this step a lot easier - you just lift the liner and toss the whole dirty package in the toilet with little mess left behind (depending on the texture of the poop). You can also install a diaper sprayer to your toilet to make rinsing a lot easier.
The nice thing about this is you avoid any stink. A diaper pail full of poopy disposable diapers will leave a lingering odor in your house.
Complaint: cloth diapers add so much laundry
As mentioned above it really only adds an extra 3-4 loads a week. If you aren't grossed out, you could even toss some towels or other clothes in with the diapers and that reduces the extra loads (just be sure you don't overfill your machine or your diapers won't get the proper amount of agitation).
Complaint: cloth diapers are complicated
They really don't have to be. There are so many different options out there that make cloth diapering easier, from fitteds to all-in-twos (with a liner that can be replaced again and again while you reuse the cover), and all-in-ones ( as easy as a disposable to put on and take off). Flats and pre-folds do require folding before diapering the baby, but as we mentioned above, you can fold these when doing laundry so they're all good to go when it's time to change that little tush.
Our Guide to Cloth Diapering explains the different diaper options, and our Diaper Selector Quiz helps you figure out what would work best for you.
We also recommend investing in a full set of your favorite diaper (once you discover what that is) to make things easier for a spouse or family member to step in and diaper - you only have to show them how to do it once!
Complaint: all cloth diapers leak
This is definitely not true. If your cloth diapers are leaking it means you have a problem either with the fit, saturation, quality of the diaper, or an expired waterproof cover. We stand by our claim that Mother-ease diapers are leak-free. However, every diaper has a saturation point. If you are changing your baby too often or if you are using a different brand of diaper, consider trying one of our trial packages.
What makes our diapers superior?
- Absorbent fabrics - our fabrics are custom knit and have been specifically developed for cloth diapers. They are very absorbent and quickly move the urine to continue absorbing even more. Our custom fabrics are also absorbent right away, no need to 'prep' your diapers by washing them upwards of 5 times before using them to maximize absorbency.
- Cover fabrics - custom knit to provide the best leak-free barrier between your diaper and baby's clothing. Our covers will outperform any others. We also use a wick resistant binding to keep your covers from allowing wetness to leak out the waist and leg openings.
- Width of the diaper - parents are often looking for a smaller fit but less fabric means the diaper can hold less mess
- Elastics - our elastics last the lifetime of the product. They are designed to be washed in hot water, withstand the occasional bleach, and can be stored in a wet pail without losing its stretch. We also use more of it - around the entire diaper, and on our inserts for an extra layer of protection. You can also hang your cloth diaper to dry however you'd like without worrying about the elastic (hanging diapers vertically saves room on the line). The fact that we elasticize both the cover and the absorbent insert/diaper all the way around is the reason we don't need to have a double gusset on our covers as well.
Complaint: changing cloth diapers at night is a hassle
Newborns have to be changed often - no matter what time of day whether you use disposables or cloth diapers. If you are using flats or pre-folds you might find night-time diaper changes a challenge, but you could consider fitted diapers with the same covers for those wee hours, or switching to an all-in-one or all-in-two diaper overnight.
Fitted diapers snap on and off quickly, as do all-in-ones or -twos. Once your baby is sleeping for longer stretches, it's OK to leave them in their cloth diaper the entire time. Some parents worry their children will feel wet in the night and wake up. This is certainly the message we hear from disposable diaper companies. Just remember - there was a time when cloth diapers were the only option and babies still slept through the night!
If you are worried about your baby feeling wet, our Wizard Uno's and Duo's have a stay-dry option and we also have stay-dry liners compatible with all diapers.
Complaint: rinsing them is a major pain
If your baby is exclusively breastfed, there is really no need to rinse your diapers. I know that might seem gross to some but breastfed poop is water soluble so it will come out in the wash. That's right, you can literally toss those poopy diapers right in your machine!
If you use formula or have started feeding your baby solids, you will have to remove the solids before washing. You can make this process easier by installing and a diaper sprayer on your toilet and using reusable or flushable bamboo liners. the liners allow you to pick up the solid and either just toss it in the toilet (with the bamboo) or rinse the liner instead of the whole diaper. Having a diaper sprayer means you can spray any mess straight into your bowl (toilet bowl, that is). It is definitely an extra step, but the nice thing is that the smell is flushed away with the solids and rinsing your diapers ensures no odor sticks around.
Complaint: clothes don't fit over cloth diapers
Dressing a cloth diapered baby can take a bit of getting used to but there are so many adorable styles tailor-made for cloth bums. Think rompers, overalls, jogging pants, dresses, skirts, grow-with-me-pants...the list really can go on and on.
Most clothes actually do fit over cloth diapers - you just might have to size up early on and get used to seeing a bigger bum on your baby.
Complaint: you have to change your baby more often in cloth diapers
The disposable diaper companies tell you your child can wear their product for up to 12 hours, but do you really want them to (unless we're talking overnight)? As disposables fill up, the sodium polyacrylate inside the disposable diaper starts to expand and the diaper starts to sag. Instead of waiting for the diapers to fill up, most parents change their baby's bum when they know they are dirty.
If you find your cloth diapers leak if you leave them on more than an hour or so, you probably have a problem with your diapers. Our design and absorbency mean you can be confident your little one's clothes will still be dry a few hours later when you go to change them.
Complaint: cloth diapers stink
When your baby is on solids, cloth diapers actually smell less than disposables because you are disposing of the poop before storing your diapers.
If your diapers smell like ammonia or a barnyard, you are either leaving them too long between washes or you have a problem with your wash routine. Read our care guidelines for some guidance on how to deal with that issue.
Cloth diapers shouldn't smell worse than what your child puts in them.
There you have it! Choose a well-designed cloth diaper that is convenient to use and leak-free, as well as invest in a few necessary accessories, and you will find that choosing cloth is no more hassle than choosing disposables!
Excellent and useful content on baby cloth diaper! much informative! Thanks guys. I came to know a lot.
samuel moore on