Testimonial Tuesday - Thank you for being a great company!
Testimonial Tuesday
Thank you for being a great company!

I ordered diapers from your company a little over a week ago and I am in love.
Not only are your products wonderful and worth every penny, your company is efficient and so kind. The live chat is great! Who wouldn't want access to someone during the week to ask questions while ordering or if just investigating cloth diapers?
I am new to the cloth diapering community but I must say I have already tried quite a few different brands. Your brand was a little more difficult to come by than the companies that are widely marketed (and in my opinion, widely overrated...). I discovered you through a blogger while trying to learn more about cloth diapers.
It appealed to me that your diapers were known to have great absorbency! My daughter is weird and doesn't urinate all night (would be every potty training mother's dream, but she's 5 months old HAHA) but urinates very heavy in the morning when she wakes up. Your diapers contain it all and even when it's overly saturated the covers keep her clothes from getting wet.
I was skeptical about cloth until I met Mother-ease diapers! I will be recommending you to EVERYONE! I wish cloth was more affordable but I swear yours are worth EVERY penny.
Thank you for being a great company (there aren't many of those around).
A new and very pleased Mother-ease cloth diapering mama.
Do you love your Mother-ease diapers and want to tell the world about it?
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