Ask Erika: Help! I have stains on my covers!
Help! I have stains on my covers!

I have stains on the edges of my covers. What is the best way to remove them? Sunning? Will that damage the integrity of the cover?
Most of the time poop will be contained in the diaper or insert, but there are those instances (more so with runny, breastfed poop) where it can escape the absorbent diaper and venture onto your cover. Of course, with a Mother-ease cloth diaper + cover, you can rest assured that it will not go any further than that! But what do you do if you start to get staining on the nylon binding of your diaper covers?
First of all, Mother-ease offers a fabulous eco-friendly stain remover called Laundry Magic. You can put some Laundry Magic directly on the stain and let it sit for about 10 minutes or so, then throw your cover(s) into the wash as usual.
Laundry Magic also acts as a great detergent booster as well. You can add some to any wash load (even your cloth diaper wash) to boost the cleaning power of your detergent.
Another option is of course sunning. The sun is an incredible natural stain remover. Just lay your cover(s) out in the sun and it will bleach the stains for you. You can also do this with your diapers and inserts as well. Sunning will not damage your diaper covers, however, it could over time fade the print.
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