Ask Erika: Cloth Diapers & Nighttime Changing
Erika takes the mystery out of nighttime changing
Answering the most asked question about cloth diapering - can you cloth diaper from birth? How do you deal with meconium?
Erika answers one mom's question about safely and effectively drying her cloth diapers.
Erika answers one mom's question about how to safely battle stains on her diaper covers.
Erika answers one mom's question about cloth diapers becoming stiff.
Erika answers one mom's question about red marks on her baby's thighs from the diaper he was wearing.
Erika answers one mom's question about how to ensure the cloth diaper is fastened properly on her baby, ensuring a proper leak-free fit.
Swim Diapers are a must-have summer accessory if you're looking to be eco-friendly AND frugal! Read about why a Mother-ease swim diaper is ideal for pools this summer.
Erika answers the question about whether or not to add essential oils to your dryer balls.
Erika answers one mom's question about how long the elastics last in Mother-ease cloth diapers. You'll be surprised by the answer!
Erika explains how to safely use diaper cream with your cloth diapers - regardless if it says it's 'cloth diaper safe'.
Erika answers one mom's question about how to best care for her AI2 diaper covers when using them with daycare.